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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Big feet in the fall

The fall is firmly established on this part of the Maine coast. About half the leaves are on the ground. The colors this year were OK but not spectacular. That seems to require luck, the wind, the sunshine, in those critical weeks of change. A noreaster removed lots of leaves from the trees last week. I got out a couple of times with the camera to document whats left.

My friend in Quito, the woman I will be renting from, is seeing the dentist today. I am trying to give spiritual support from 3500 miles away. When it comes to dental pain I can commisurate. Speaking of Dentistry and Ecuador. I have decided to cancel my $130 teeth cleaning scheduled for next month and doing it in Ecuador for $30. To save money and checkout the practice of that black art south of the equator. In the forums and blogs out of EC I've noticed only good reports about those who work in the mouths of others.

The days dwindle down to a precious few as Kurt Weil put it in 1939. About five and a half weeks until I am winging thru the hostile skies toward Quito. Still a bit of time for ordering new glasses and maybe sneakers. Time for guessing at what clothing will accomadate the several climates I might visit this winter. Light and heavy jacket, poncho, layers. I might get leather sandles down there. I need custom, having feet 17 wide. Thats fifty something European. I might leave the leather guy a plaster cast. Their jaws tend to drop on seeing my feet. After I'm gone they're sure it was just imagination. Pies muy GRANDE!! (very big feet) Yet at the convention of big feet, I can barely get accreditation and have to sit way in the back. Size seventeen is not considered much by some. Barely enough to get your foot in the door.

Monday, October 4, 2010

You can't go out and play till you finish your BLOG!!

I don't think I should have a blog. I started this one and I was hot to do it and I produced copy and graphics for a week....then lost interest. Its not like there is much happening. The clock counts down the days till I cram myself into an aircraft (three in a row actually) and speed thru the sky to America de Sur. Less than two months. So there isn't much to report. Trying to keep this on the subject declared at the beginning is tough. I gave myself permission in advance to drift off subject. Still, I try not to.

Today I thought about a large suitcase I need to buy. One with wheels. The one I got for the return from Madrid last year has one last trip in the dump. It was cheap to begin with and the hop across the Atlantic March first pretty much sucked the remaining life out of it. So I will take it to the bolsa (baggage) Valhalla and bid it farewell. Then I will be at wallymart with a tape measure picking out another one. I think the dimensions for these things have changed often enough that the manufacturers haven't kept up. I don't want to risk being an inch over. I suspect that lots of people just eat the $50 here and $100 there oversize fee for an extra inch or an extra bag but my jaw would lock up. The airlines are sticking it Mr. Passenger enough as it is. I want to travel for what I paid. They can keep their F**king peanuts.